Therefore, here specialists will be offered a full package of modern tools, which will provide a competent and high-quality analysis of the performance characteristics of the successor. This type of work is used when it is necessary to make an in-depth processing of large sets of data, with possible comparisons of information. The main functions and capabilities of this application are aimed primarily at conducting statistical analysis.

No limitations on the size of the table.Exportable information in a variety of extensions.Extensive database of biometric science information.You can create components in text format, elements of Excel, Word, and other alternative products. The program also allows you to export data from tables in a variety of file formats, adapting them for use by third-party programs. In addition, it is even possible to compare data, highlighting the necessary information. When you upgrade the software, the sample data files may be overwritten by new versions of these files.A serious advantage of the utility is the absence of any restrictions, because the tables here have an unlimited number of lines, and the information itself is presented in a large format structure. When you run the software for the first time, several MedCalc sample data files will be copied into your documents folder, typically into You should re-enable it as soon as installation has been completed. Temporarily disabling your anti-virus program may help if you're having trouble with your installation.

Then execute medcalcsetup.msi and follow the instructions for the installation procedure.